Involuntary Hiatus

I haven't been updating because I haven't been doing things. Between a surgery, back problems, and an intensification in my autoimmune disorder causing my knees to dislocate a LOT, I did virtually nothing the rest of 2024.

I am now on a new therapy that restores some of my mobility. My house in town is finally completely rented out, so I can live full time out here on the land. And I'm currently in school!

I'm enrolled in Oregon State University's PDC Pro course. This is the Permaculture Design Certificate for people who plan to design professionally.

It's the middle of the fourth week of a 20-week program and I'm learning so much! Not just about permaculture but about the land itself and my family's relationship to it.

So, I want to record these things. This blog seems a pretty logical place to do that, for reasons I'll explain in the next post.

So, hi again!