Sector Compass
In permaculture, sector refers to the energies that impact a site. A sector compass is a way of representing from what directions these energies are occurring.
So as you see here, water affects the whole site. It's quite flat and absorbent, and we do get rain.
Crop dusting most severely from the west but also from the east and south.
The reach of the summer sun is much wider than the reach of the winter sun, as it's more overhead, while the winter sun is more from the south.
We get highway noise and pollution from the east and train noise and pollution from the west.
We get wildlife from the woods to the north and across the field to the west. Now that I think about it, we probably get it from Mares Pasture to the south too.
Public view has to do with lack of privacy. Our entire south side is wide open from the highway as it curves around us. I'm getting some ideas about this.
I thought it interesting to distinguish the usual prevalent winds from the south-southwest from the storm winds of south-southeast and east.
#PermacultureDesignCertificate #PDC #OregonStateUniversity #permaculture