Papaw Dew's Deer Camp

My dad's back yard has become a deer camp. Now we are making it cool.

Under a screen tent roof, on top of a very sturdy iron and timber table, a stacked pair of crude wood boxes with white primer, flip-down doors secured with hasps.

These were my clothes cabinets in the tiny house. Now they are kitchen cabinets in the outdoor kitchen. Which makes more space in the tiny house for the wood stove I hope to have before autumn.


A screen tent with the zipper door wide open, with what appears to be a bridal veil hanging across the gap.

These zippers have been giving us fits for some time now. The teeth become unmeshed quite easily. And they don't easily go back.


Yeah you probably knew these were going to fall down, didn't you?

Stripped stalks of bamboo laid across a rack where salvaged wood is stored. The top rack has nothing to prevent them rolling off the end.


This blog just migrated here from Blogger. Any entries you see with a date at the bottom, that date is the original post date at Blogger.

A small, rusty old trailer has ten large stalks of bamboo on it, with the branches still on. A fluffy brown Chihuahua pug stands next to the trailer.

Went down to the neighbor's to take him up on the offer of bamboo harvesting. I need some for a drying rack in the tiny house, a roof for the outhouse, and a mast and boom for a small sailboat.


I am not posting any pictures of wasps. This area provides lots of opportunity for nesting wasps. I'm using long distance spray to kill wasps when I can. I deal with nests by waiting for evening and knocking them down while the wasps are too sleepy to cope. Then I hit the anchor site with WD-40 so they can't rebuild.

July 08, 2023

Outdoors, on top of a gigantic pallet, a ramshackle structure of four-by-four posts with walls made of dilapidated plywood and sheet metal. The structure is painted various colors as though with leftover paint.

I should probably call it an outhouse now that the toilet has been moved out here.


On a rough wood surface, a shape that looks like a tiny concrete donut, with two more fragments of same. Also, some brown irregular grains.

Mosquitoes get to be a big problem without diligence around here. There are plenty of places that catch rain water, both intentional and not.


Outdoors in the dappled shade, two lounge chairs, next to a small camper.

The camp is nicely shaded but as you'd expect, the shade shifts in the course of a day. It helps to have sitting areas in several locations. One is even screened for when the bugs become too much.


Outdoors, a laundry sink next to a ridiculously sturdy table.

Development is coming right along. The fish cleaning station is now augmented with a sink from my time in an RV park in North Carolina. Now there's a screen tent and electricity.