One Coat
I got one coat of exterior latex on the floor of the shower. Time ran out letting it dry before the second coat. I should have some time tomorrow to paint.
My dad's back yard has become a deer camp. Now we are making it cool.
I got one coat of exterior latex on the floor of the shower. Time ran out letting it dry before the second coat. I should have some time tomorrow to paint.
I don't know why the rat terrier doesn't wish to cool his head and chest the way the Chihuahuas do. Does all his heat collect in the hindquarters?
In a previous entry, I mentioned replacing the zippered entry with some mosquito net. That started making us crazy.
My dad is wearing his coulottes. Seriously, though, I have a terrible envy of his below-the-knee shorts. He doesn't remember where he found them.
Fifteen hours of fan and about three hours of LED light, and the battery is about half depleted.
The shower / latrine has been in need of painting for some time. The weather has not permitted.
A lifesaver lately. I got this little clamp-on DC fan last year or year before. I got the battery a few years ago. I don't actually know how long the battery lasts with this fan on. It went for hours and hours and only went down to about 80%. But when I turned it off for the night, I forgot to unplug it, and I found out around 40% in the morning.
I am relieved to discover that half of the creatures I was accusing of being wasps or not actually wasps. They are assassin bugs, or robber flies.
No, we are not going stealth.
Papaw is going to tow this away to someone who wants it.